Kindergarten Program - 8:30am to 4:00pm
Extended Before and After Care is Available
Our Kindergarten program takes our children deeper into academic learning.
Students develop reading skills while learning two consonant sounds.
Students are performing more in depth reading with understanding and using all language rules.
Students recognize and count the numbers 1-100 and begin performing addition and subtraction.
Before and after concepts, patterns and sequences, time, money, missing numbers, science, language arts, geography and social studies are all part of the daily curriculum for Kindergarten.
Biblical principals and scripture are included as part of the daily curriculum.
Kindergarten classes attend Chapel daily and participate in weekly enrichment classes in Art, PE, Music, and Library
Elementary Program - 8:30am to 4:00pm
Extended Before and After Care is Available
Our school is growing and adding new grades each year. We are excited to have the opportunity to pour into the lives of our next generation. Our school uses integrated curriculum with a focus on critical thinking skills for our elementary grades. Children end the year with a strong Christian foundation filled with Biblical truth and character, and the academic skills that exceed public school standards.